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Had a question about anchor—not sure this is the right

forum, but can you borrow against BTC on anchor?

4 ответов

10 просмотров

no. you can't https://app.anchorprotocol.com/borrow you can have bluna, beth and wasAVAX as collateral to borrow.

atlas_shrug-Gregory Автор вопроса
Peter Martin
no. you can't https://app.anchorprotocol.com/borro...

Any plan to be able to borrow against BTC? Separately, if I borrowed again at beth, what token is my loan denominated in? Is it UST?

atlas_shrug-Gregory Автор вопроса

Borrow in UST and pay back in UST, correct? Example: if I borrow 100 UST and UST looses its peg and goes down to 50 cents, I still owe 100 UST, which in this example will be worth $50. An you please confirm that this is how it works?

atlas_shrug-Gregory Автор вопроса
atlas_shrug Gregory
Borrow in UST and pay back in UST, correct? Exam...

Admin, can you weigh in? One would owe 100 UST, regardless of the price of UST? Or is there a different formula?

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