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Whats the total max supply of CKB?

18 ответов

3 просмотра

what Chris said is spot on - if you hold your CKB in the DAO, the supply becomes effectively hard capped. If you want to try and earn higher yield - then a dex would be that route. just be mindful of IL.

Mic- Автор вопроса
RennyH.NervosNation.bit (Won't DM first)
what Chris said is spot on - if you hold your CKB ...

so there is technically no hard cap? I thought CKB is mining...hence hard cap is essectial

The base issuance is a hard cap issuance. No more no less. The reason CKB supply can’t be classified as “limited” is because nervos issues a secondary (yearly) issuance of CKB, which goes to miners and DAO compensation. Also for the purpose of not running out of storage when the inevitable explosion of long term building happens on Nervos network. So yes, the base issuance is hard capped, but there is a secondary issuance for many good reasons, and the DAO will hard cap your assets.

so there is technically no hard cap? I thought CKB...


miners continue, validating transactions

Well, will they though? With no more Bitcoin to reward miners, what will their incentive to pay money to mine be?

miners continue, validating transactions

There is no reward per block, the only thing they earn is for the fees. What happens if everyone uses Lightning Network (or other L2 solutions) for transactions and nobody uses Bitcoin (L1), who pays the miners? In the academic environment there are many doubts that BTC is sustainable in the long term because of that. Because in the long term it is not known if there will be enough incentives for miners.

Ethereum is PoW and have no hardcap.

Mic- Автор вопроса
RennyH.NervosNation.bit (Won't DM first)
what happens to BTC when the base issuance runs ou...

no one knows, but that's over 100 years from now. Let them figure out then, we all will be dead.

Mic- Автор вопроса
i just said

You feel that miners will continue, I am questioning why they would do that

Alejandro (Won't DM first)
Ethereum is PoW and have no hardcap.

mis-aligned interests and incentives. miners want fees to be high to pay for their operation. Users want fees to be low to save money.

yeah, they are moving to pos though

They are not moving to PoS because of the hardcap.

Mic- Автор вопроса

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