209 похожих чатов

Just a clear question: The new token on the new

Consortia Relay Chain, is going to limit the utility/value of EWT?

7 ответов

15 просмотров

User Agent_ReKt |Decarb $DOGE with $EWD| has 1/2 warnings; be careful! Reason: Automated blocklist action, due to a match on: https://t.me/*

A.P.-Qt Автор вопроса

Clear question unclear answer

A.P. Qt
Clear question unclear answer

I believe that answer was very clear.

A.P. Qt
Clear question unclear answer

It will increase the utility of EWT

A.P.-Qt Автор вопроса
guy incognito
It will increase the utility of EWT

How is it possible. Is what I was trying to understand on the post about Consortia Chain, but dont get it.

A.P. Qt
How is it possible. Is what I was trying to unders...

See above comment about waiting for updates.

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