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What'S the best way to get a erc20 token from

metamask and turn it into ust to end up in my terra station wallet ? ... pls and thanks

8 ответов

8 просмотров

Swap to UST on a DEX like Uniswap? Then bridge with bridge.terra.money

Mick- Автор вопроса
Swap to UST on a DEX like Uniswap? Then bridge wit...

Thx rose ... was hoping for a better way by now ... lol .. thought one of Terra's projects would have fixed this by now ))

Thx rose ... was hoping for a better way by now .....

Mick (0) has increased reputation of Rose🌹 (55)

Thx rose ... was hoping for a better way by now .....

It's on ethereum, not Terra's problem 😜😜

Swap to UST on a DEX like Uniswap? Then bridge wit...

But the UST that I get on Uniswap its erc-20 right? Its called wrapped UST?

But the UST that I get on Uniswap its erc-20 righ...

Yes then you use the bridge to bridge it to the Terra chain (unwrap it)

its wUST ,or same ,UST?

After using the bridge it will be plain UST :)

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