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I have a question about the bitcoin.com wallet. I thought

my recieve address is my public address for that wallet. The app holds my public and private keys, and when i look up the address on blockchain explorer it shows no transactions which is not true. Why is this? I did search the settings, and the internet...

3 ответов

11 просмотров

It generates a new address after every transaction.

al-harris Автор вопроса
sploit#100 🦆
It generates a new address after every transaction...

I put the address from the settings into a block explorer and it also came up with nothing, im confused. I have seen my wallet by looking up a senders address

al harris
I put the address from the settings into a block e...

It's very convoluted with bitcoincom wallet to see your own addresses. You need to go through each transaction and click the "watch in block explorer" link.

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