210 похожих чатов

Can someone explain metabonding and its advantages for someone who

is still quite new to Elrond? Or maybe refer to good resources on this topic?

2 ответов

7 просмотров


Hi Sebastian. Metabonding runs for 2 years for every project participating in the Metabonding program. Snapshots will be daily. Claims will start on April 15. You will be able to claim tokens from all participating projects, proportional to your staked EGLD and deposited LKMEX. New tokens become available for claiming every 7 days. There is a 4 week time limit for claiming rewards. You can explore the Metabonding concept here: https://elrond.com/blog/introducing-metabonding-community-building-for-web3-startups/ And here you can find the Metabonding page: https://maiar.exchange/metabonding

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