210 похожих чатов

Admin . So kelpr wallet cannot be used to send

atom to exchanges . But can cosmostation wAllet me used to send atom to cex exchanges ?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Hello,you are able to use Keplr wallet while sending your Atom to Exchanges. Cosmostation is another recommended wallet.

Kyle-Reese Автор вопроса
Hello,you are able to use Keplr wallet while sendi...

Please use Cosmos dexs for ibc transfers. Do not use manually Keplr wallet. App.osmosis.zone Junoswap.com App.crescent.network. Can u explain the advice above

It means that do not choose manually channels while using Keplr extension wallet to make cross-chain transfers. Using Keplr extension dashboard. But connect your Keplr wallet to Cosmos dexs and withdraw/deposit your assets between chains.

Kyle Reese
Please use Cosmos dexs for ibc transfers. Do not u...

Some users try to use just Keplr extension wallet dashboard to make cross-chain transfer which is not recommended.

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