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Crescent Network is built and run by the cosmos core

team right? Why is this a necessary use of resources? There are already DEX on Cosmos and more will be made by independent teams. Can anyone explain how this benefits the community? Is it a cash grab by core team?

10 ответов

11 просмотров

B-harvest is the team which developed to Crescent Network. Cosmos needs not just one dex but lots of them! I don’t see your point that one dex is enough for whole Cosmos ? No need to have new sovereign app-specific blockchains? As far as I know Crescent is funded by Ignite (Formerly tendermint) and Ignite aims to fund hundreds/thousands projects which will be building with Cosmos Sdk. Maybe even another Dex. What I believe is more dexs will always bring more users,more liquidity! Bigger adaptation! I wish we have more dexs which have many different features to take other blockchain communities attention. I strongly recommend you to read what Crescent network tries to achieve!

On the hand,Gravity Dex was not functional and B-Harvest team created a value within sovereign chain to be added to Whole Cosmos ecosystem.

Esco-Obong Автор вопроса
B-harvest is the team which developed to Crescent ...

I never said one DEX is enough. I specifically said "more will be made by independent teams". There are a lot more than one IBC connected DEX already. Your point is that more DEX is better. You already will get that from community developers. If we already have people making DEXs and Crescent offers no true unique benefit, would you agree that funding and time being spent by Ignite/Tendermint would be better used to improve and innovate the core cosmos SDK and overall platform instead?

Esco Obong
I never said one DEX is enough. I specifically sai...

Who makes new Dexs ? And why Crescent offer no true unique features? How do you know that There is No any Cosmos Sdk / Tendermint core or other infrastructure developments? Who are community developers ? If there are, Why Interchain try to get more Developers while funding “Interchain developer academy?“ Were you happy that Gravitydex was unfunctional ?

Esco-Obong Автор вопроса
Who makes new Dexs ? And why Crescent offer no tru...

🤦🏿‍♂️ my friend, when you have a fund of money to spend on infrastructure projects and spend it on a DEX that doesn't mean that there are no other infrastructure projects happening at the same time. It means there could have been even more useful infrastructure projects that aren't being done because 1. The money was used for a DEX and 2. The developers are spending their valuable time building a DEX. Even with more money the dev available time is still less. Do you understand now?

Esco Obong
🤦🏿‍♂️ my friend, when you have a fund of money to ...

I understand point of view but I m repeating again Gravity dex was unfuctional but B-harvest team build new chain with new features. Does other dex have orderbook?

Esco-Obong Автор вопроса
I understand point of view but I m repeating again...

@Cordtus Order book isn't "useful unique" it's just unique. Honestly I think it's a step backwards. Order books are problematic and makes frontruning easier

Esco-Obong Автор вопроса
I understand point of view but I m repeating again...

GravityDEX shouldn't have existed either and like I mentioned above it was functional it just had low liquidity because it didn't bring enough value to the community. Spending even more time and money to fix that is worse when there are great alternatives and more to come.

Esco Obong
GravityDEX shouldn't have existed either and like ...

Yes,maybe it was not a genius idea but the idea came up before even Osmosis Amm was existed as far as I know. so maybe we don’t know history of Gdex too clear way as community members. Maybe the idea was “adding new value to cosmos hub”

Yes,maybe it was not a genius idea but the idea ca...

Having a dex in the hub was a good value proposition for atom, but osmosis came and front run gdex, now the hub must seek other value proposition for atom.

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