210 похожих чатов

I ve heard that with kucoin i can buy after

usdt to arrr without f**** kyc but i dont get it, they want me to take a foto of me with a number and with a date after i gave them my drivers licence front and back…is there a way to buy with fiat arr without KYC on kucoin that i am missing? or where can i buy ARRR without f****KYC?

21 ответов

12 просмотров

Tradeogre.com is very good, too.

If you want to buy with fiat you should go through kyc somehow

They say you can use a VPN but I tried using a VPN to say I was in Mexico but kucoin still wanted kyc

n’drea- Автор вопроса
Phil |
Tradeogre.com is very good, too.

yes i like it, but you need first btc to buy the coins like arrr or … and even there to be on the secure side you would only transfer monero from a wallet …bc btc is traceble and not to be sent from a binance or f**** kucoin

yes i like it, but you need first btc to buy the c...

Yes, you need some BTC first. I use BTC ATM without KYC to get BTC with Fiat.

TheQuarterMaster : I WILL NOT DM YOU FIRST
For who?

I work as a mediator with them and my job is to make suggestions Do you want to talk to the manager

TheQuarterMaster : I WILL NOT DM YOU FIRST
Simple question. Who is 'them'?

We are a digital currency marketing and support team


Do the marketing then back to us again

Do the marketing then back to us again

Ok, but I have to provide our services, my dear, to know what you want

Ok, but I have to provide our services, my dear, t...

You have to tell what do you have not asking us what do we want, have a good day

DM Please

İf you have anything to say say it in public

Depends on where you live. There are bitcoin ATM-s where I live and I use cash to buy BTC then I send the BTC to Tradeogre to buy ARRR. I am also in some local crypto miner groups. They sell crypto for cash all the time to avoid paying taxes. But why does KYC bother you so much? I bought some crypto with KYC in the past. I lost all of my keys in a boat accident along with my silver and gold coins. At least that's what I will tell to anyone who asks what happened to my crypto. If you pay for crypto with a credit card or bank transfer the government knows that you bought crypto anyway because all banks and credit card companies are KYC. So why the fixation on non-KYC onramps? It's the offramps where you'll have to tread carefully not the onramps.

n’drea- Автор вопроса

Ok thanks for the idea i didnt trust till now sending money to a unknown i have to study it

Or get an offramp solution connected to a offshore bank account in a country which does not take part on crs. I have just read about one in the latest crypto magazine.

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