209 похожих чатов

What are the goals after Mexico? Maybe this was discussed

in the previous AMAs but I’m a bit taken by other things these days and can’t follow like I’d like to

5 ответов

11 просмотров


Matt, the AMA in #news may be helpful. I think the most interesting bit in that regard is seeking state-by-state approval in the U.S.

Matt | Hexathor-Bakiri Автор вопроса
Smeddy-o | Reserve | will never DM
Matt, the AMA in #news may be helpful. I think the...

I see, I was hoping for Bangladesh but this is nice to hear too

Have you read The PayPal Wars? It's hard to find but very illuminating

Smeddy-o | Reserve | will never DM
Have you read The PayPal Wars? It's hard to find b...

Yup I have it on PDF. This one came out a couple months back and I just finished it about a week ago as well. It's pretty much the same thing

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