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The most popular wallets for CKB are: • Neuron (by Nervos Network) for desktop: this is a full node solution providing the highest security, meaning it requires a long sync upon installation. • imToken and SafePal for mobile wallets • Portal Wallet (ckb.pw) + MetaMask for browser-based wallets • Ledger for hardware wallets • and more! If your wallet is not listed here, a great resource to find more information on CKB wallet support is the Nervos Network Reddit.   The Nervos DAO ⬇️ https://medium.com/nervosnetwork/nervos-dao-explained-95e33898b1c • How to lock and stake your CKB using Neuron Wallet for PC (First download Neuron Wallet) ⬇️ https://github.com/nervosnetwork/neuron/releases Guide How to use and deposit on Neuron wallet ➡️ https://youtu.be/fN4wn7udaeM • For mobile devides ➡️ We recommend linking ckb.pw to either Metamask, Safepal or ImToken (There are many more, for example Math, Pocket, ABC, BitKeep, etc) on the wallet’s browser Guide Portal wallet/Metamask set up ⬇️ https://everythingcrypto.substack.com/p/how-do-i-secure-my-nervos-ckb-with Guide Portal wallet/Imtoken set up ⬇️https://everythingcrypto.substack.com/p/how-do-i-setup-and-configure-imtoken

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