210 похожих чатов

Why are some people voting no on the upgrade? Do

they want to prevent Atom from ever having a use case beyond airdrops? This is how it looks to me. I can only imagine that they have a vested interest (read: a large developer stake) in chains like Juno, Evmos, or, even worse, centrally owned GNO (of which the community will get peanuts, if anything), and want to protect their bag by raising totally fake security concerns? Seems like that to me...

4 ответов

15 просмотров

Add Coswasm module is adding another module to the chain, cosmos hub is a hub for data betwwen chains, not a public smart contract chain, so many people (even the founder) thinks about performance, and focus on that task over other task.

Bernhard-Wolf Автор вопроса
Marco Gonzalez 🇨🇴
Add Coswasm module is adding another module to th...

But right now all what Atom is used for is airdrops and fiat on/off ramp. The technology is passing it by. This is why I voted yes. In the end, we will see, but I think Atom is slowly turning obsolete without the upgrade.

Bernhard Wolf
But right now all what Atom is used for is airdrop...

The main goal of Cosmos Hub isn't the open contract chain or anyelse, it's be the center of chains of the ecosystem. In that way, its better minimalism https://forum.cosmos.network/t/proposal-69-vote-on-chain-include-cosmwasm-in-rho-upgrade/6243/2 https://github.com/jaekwon/cosmos_roadmap/tree/master/shape_of_cosmos#notes-on-cosmwasm https://twitter.com/jaekwon/status/1520154232338272256?s=20&t=I4rYvWgaXWRgbhrfpvxshg

Marco Gonzalez 🇨🇴
Add Coswasm module is adding another module to th...

You don't have to add a "public" module... You can have it permissioned

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