210 похожих чатов

Good morning everyone I have a question i look into

but i cannot find anything about it.
I think i'm gonna move to Thailand soon.
Can i keep operate on FTX from there ? To change my address what document do i need ?

2 ответов

12 просмотров

Be aware that in Thailand there may be partial restrictions, you can use .com from there, if your planning to move permanently you may submit a ticket and and change address Block and report anyone who DM you first claiming to be support. ALWAYS check Admin tag and the list in the pinned message.

Ба́ба-Яга́-Min0taur0 Автор вопроса
Will Jaber
Be aware that in Thailand there may be partial res...

Grazie Will 🙂 Yeah they already contacted me haha But what documents do i need ? The Permis to work ? Because to have the ID you need 5 years. You think with the internet bill + Permis to work i can obtain the change of address ? Yes i'm gonna use the .com I cannot find anything related to this.

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