of TVL then would the network step in and say I (or that DAO) can't stake and vote with those tokens?
This is one reason why EOS ultimately had such a massive concentration of power (next to the massive whales) as Proxies voted for those that would give most benefits and that is not neccessarily for the best of the chain. Telos decided to go a different route and add more governance in its core to prevent this and have a more healthy base on Block Providers that can actually produce blocks when the have to. Proxy voting was removed by the community as it leads to concentration of voting power as outlined above. As @sportyjash referenced correctly, these rules are implemented in our governance.
Not talking about proxy voting, talking about allowing people to vote if they stake into a pool which in turn stakes into rex
I see, interesting concept.
Check out the governance channel, more conversations there
For reference tswaps stakes user tokens from LP into rex to earn yield which goes back to boost price of swap token. However people who deposit tlos into tswaps don't get governance rights from this and neither does tswaps due to tbnoa
So it's staked to REX for rewards but not voting?
Barely any accounts have even deposited any TLOS and almost all of it came from one account, so if they have a gov system to decide votes then the mountaineers account would probably have enough vote weight to decide on it anyway
Does anyone know how far back these forensics go on eosauthority.com?
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