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Pretty obvious and basic question everybody should be asking about.I

would like that somebody explains me this:
The consortia relay chain is going to have a new token different than EWT.
The companies in order to operate in the chain, they will have to buy the new token, NOT the EWT that we have being accumulating, right?
Consequently I suppose that the value of the EWT is going to be sucked by the new token.
Can somebody explain/elaborate if that is or is not the case?

4 ответов

5 просмотров

They buy the new token by fiat. Half of that fiat goes to exchanges to buy ewt. That ewt gets staked.

No, the new token is simply a stable like coin for enterprise to on-ramp fiat. $EWT stays the governance token for the consortia chain.

We thought that too, but it is even better

A.P.-Qt Автор вопроса
We thought that too, but it is even better

I saw a problem there but now can see that it is not really a problem at all. Thanks for the clarification!!!. Meakes a lot of sense!!!

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