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Hey! I have been holding Luna for a while but

I didn't know about staking 🥲 what is best place to stake your Luna? Best rewards

3 ответов

4 просмотра

You can simply view the list of validators available on Terra Station

staking on terra station is the simplest, or on an exchange if you don't want it locked for 21 days. check this out if you need help with picking #validators

Rose🌹 | cosmosrescue
staking on terra station is the simplest, or on an...

Things to consider before selecting a validator: ✅ Validator should have a tick mark after the name. It means the validator is trustworthy. Terra-trusted validators are listed on the official GitHub. ✅ Validator should be able to earn rewards. Only bonded Validators (listed as "Active") can earn rewards. ✅ Validator uptime should be maximum. Uptime refers to how often the validator is gaining rewards. ✅ Validator commission should be low. Validator commission is the percentage of our rewards taken by the validator as commission. ✅ Max Commission Rate and Max Daily Commission Change should be minimum. Validators can't change the commission by more than the "daily commission change" and never above the "max commission rate". ✅ Consider delegating outside the top 10 by voting power. To keep the network decentralised, it is recommended to stake with validators outside the top 10. Useful Links: Terra docs How to pick a validator Mistakes to avoid when choosing a validator

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