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Hi Guys what is the APY for GMLR if we

stake ?
and what is the locking period?

9 ответов

9 просмотров

hey, you can check the current APR here: stakeglmr.com, you can revoke/unbond at any time, but it takes 7 days.

Mandeep-Singh Автор вопроса
hey, you can check the current APR here: stakeglmr...

7 days to credit in our wallet then only we can sale it am i right SER?

There is no locked in period. You can unstake anytime mate. The only rule is the unstake will take 7 days to be back to your wallet ( you will have to manually confirm it on day 7 )

Mandeep Singh

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Mandeep Singh
7 days to credit in our wallet then only we can sa...

Yes Mandeep.. when the GLMR are staked you can't trade them.. So if You for to trade it .. then it will take 7 days before the GLMR is back to your wallet...from there You can head your wallets to CEXs or DEXs and do the usual

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