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Why Hex have no ranking in CoinGecko ? Why Hex

have no Marketcap?
Supply from Mex is more then 500 Billion?

11 ответов

16 просмотров

Que? It is there....

Benzi (Scammers will be blocked)- Автор вопроса
EEJ Johnny Cab Mate
Que? It is there....

Yes only the price you can see but no ranking

Benzi (Scammers will be blocked)
Yes only the price you can see but no ranking

Well yes... but this is being known. Rankings is... how to say: “problemo?”

Benzi (Scammers will be blocked)- Автор вопроса

500 billion supply ? Imagine 14cent 70billion for a coin ? Bigger then top 10 coins ! Open your eyes

Benzi (Scammers will be blocked)
500 billion supply ? Imagine 14cent 70billion fo...

Well Terra Luna failed yesterday and it's a top 10 coin. Sooo..

Benzi (Scammers will be blocked)
500 billion supply ? Imagine 14cent 70billion fo...

What are you talking about? HEX is in top 10. Used to be top 3 for some time.

Benzi (Scammers will be blocked)
500 billion supply ? Imagine 14cent 70billion fo...

In any crypto, market cap is a pure vanity metric. Doesn't mean anything. I could make a coin with a 100 billion supply, sell you one for a dollar and ta-da! a 100 billion market cap. Pointless metric.

Because it's being gatekept because HEX is mainly traded on decentralised exchange and the centralised guys don't like that. Try looking at a decent coin ranking site.. https://nomics.com/

Andrew 3695555
Because it's being gatekept because HEX is mainly ...

Some sites make money when you lose money. They profit from you switching positions and coins over and over. Some profit from advertising you things that will get you rekt. Your job is to notice, that in crypto, "some" actually means "most." (This means ranking sites and margin trading sites. The only good thing is fiat onramp exchanges, they're necessary.)

Oh also.. https://finance.yahoo.com/cryptocurrencies https://coinpaprika.com/

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