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Question 2: @RSVSinatra @Smeddy_o Is it possible for a group

of people or an entity to boycott Reserve by creating an rtoken that does generate revenue but uses that revenue to buyback RSR and burn it instead of distributing it?

3 ответов

14 просмотров
Adam- Автор вопроса

And is this possible as absurd scenario?

And is this possible as absurd scenario?

So they want to pay to burn their own RSR? Because no one is going voluntarily burn RSR by unstaking and sending to a null address. The mechanism doesn’t allow you not to get rewards in stRSR if stakers do get yield

Adam- Автор вопроса
Mallo 🅡 🦩
So they want to pay to burn their own RSR? Because...

They could ponderate the "benefits". Reducing the circulating supply at their own cost while holding a larger bag of RSR that becomes more scarce. I'm not saying this would be good, I'm wondering if is possible. Could be a problem actually because big players could move the project in directions it's not designed to go

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