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I think the Luna incident is also a kind of

weakness of dpos.

Luna issued 7 trillion Luna while holders were staking.

Some of the verifiers who agreed to create 7 trillion new luna may have taken short positions.

This is a weakness of dpos. This is the same in real politics.

Everyone thought that dpos was completed without any logical flaws, but it seems to be in the beta stage.

When EOS talks about failure, it analyzes that it failed because there was no active support from b1, but the real problem is that dpos itself is in beta stage, so I think it may not have been able to support it.

If the market was raised under poor governance, it could eventually collapse like Luna.

Isn't the market size so large that everyone has the illusion that the blockchain is in a mature stage? It is a very unstable market built on poor governance.

eos dealt with these governance issues publicly 3 years ago, but why hasn't it been resolved yet? I think there is a cartel problem of development and exchanges bp

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