210 похожих чатов

I feel like the current problem of eos is not

about further development and innovation; but user adotion, building partnerships, bringing in dapp developers, marketing, attracting external funding, bringing back the hype. Announcing a rebirth of the chain is needed. Isn't eos already more technically advanced chain compared to others? Then why not focus on converting that potential into value rather than having drama over if we should build even more technical potential.

8 ответов

12 просмотров

Yep. Biz dev and repairing our reputation is the key to our future success.

Wheels are in motion enf and pampelo are building

I've heard from ENF devs that there's things that need to be worked on, but even so, it's still more advanced than everything else out.

Yep. Biz dev and repairing our reputation is the k...

Yes, but we can't just lie about it, we need to make sure things are getting better first.

Ran Zalzman
Yes, but we can't just lie about it, we need to ma...

First part to repairing our reputation is in my opinion seperate my B1/ICO from EOS.

First part to repairing our reputation is in my op...

To be fair it's harder to separate while Dan is involved

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