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Also how much earning potential from staking and how quickly

can you unlock? Or is it DEFI where you can loose all your coins?

1 ответов

7 просмотров

In short, a dollar in Reserve is fully backed and redeemable for cash or cash equivalents. $1 RSV is currently backed by 3 backed stable coins, but our aim is to back against a vast array of assets as time goes on and more assets are tokenized. A basket of, say, 10+ assets, would be highly robust. RSR staking offers insurance for RTokens (once mainnet launches) - this is true staking, where in the event of a Black Swan event some RSR can be seized to make up for deficits, in return for receiving yield. Note that the definition of a Black Swan is extremely rare - LUNA for instance wasn't a Black Swan event. A well-designed basket may not face that challenge. While RTokens can have different governance, a two-week period has been floated as a potential sweet spot for lock-up. We'll probably hear more about this as the dApp comes into focus. APY is likely to be variable - a paragraph to come on that.

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