209 похожих чатов

@Julieleee Are you still going to be running the Trade

& Earn Rewards program? Or are you phasing this out and is it not a focus any more?

If you are still going to be running the Trade & Earn Rewards program, will you make it more prominent and clear on the website and the exchanges? For example, how it works and what the benefits are? There is no information on the website about it. Or at least there is no clear path for information on it from the website homepage. If I was a new user on Injective I don’t think there is any clear message on the website homepage of the benefits of using an Injective DEX over other DEXs such as dYdx. The Trade & Earn rewards program appeared to be a USP and value proposition of using the Injective DEX (or at least it was at the time, as I think dYdX are now also doing it).

On Injective Pro the Rewards program is not very detailed either. If I click on the small box on the Exchange ‘Injective Rewards’. It just takes me to the /trade-and-earn/ page with tables, figures, countdown dates, but with no immediate or clear descriptions. If I was a new user how would I understand what this is about and how to get started?

5 ответов

11 просмотров


Yes, we intend to continue the trade and earn rewards.. But we have recently cut back on the same to focus on more off chain initiatives

Also, there is discussion on the COMMONWEALTH forum for changes in the Trade and Earn Incentives. It is the community which collectively decides on the changes in Trade and Earn

Dan- Автор вопроса

My primary point is if I was a new visitor to Injective for the first time, this or any information about the Trade and Earn program is not very clear to find or see.

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