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SmartBCH question. Is the FLEXUSD on smartBCH tied to the

FLEXA network is it something completely different?

4 ответов

9 просмотров

First time I hear about FLEXA, I think they are unrelated but not 100% sure

it's different, flexUSD is CoinFLEX's stablecoin

completely different, flexUSD is on smartbch, eth and slp but i don't think too many people here have heard of whatever flexa is.

Mark- Автор вопроса
im_uname#100🍋 🌭
completely different, flexUSD is on smartbch, eth ...

FLEXA is a payment network tied to the AMP token. They have a mobile app called SPEDN to pay at retailers with various cryptos (including BCH)

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