After scatter, will you bring new menu on eos table? Have not seen ya here 4yrs
Anything you need pumped up feel free to post in this group, free service to community from ¿¡WItsUp!?
If you're looking to capture a global audience in one swoop, a lot of the past and current zoom calls are happening around 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. EDT which falls in a reasonable timeframe for most as morning in the West and evening in the East.
This is golden advice and another opportunity for WITsWAlkErWOo to create yet another educational campaign in how to coordinate intelligent action in a decentralized autonomous world. Feed me more. I am hungry for highly valued and relevant data. 😊
One option would be to provide a public list where everyone who wants to attend puts in the time they are available to meet, and then take the time where the most people overlap? For us with different time zones (Korea and China included) most of the overlaps were at 11am UTC.
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