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I have a question and I might be sounding Crazy

I read 10000 times about this lightning network and instant btc
Does it really work ?

8 ответов

13 просмотров

Some people here have tried the lightning network. @marcfalzon might be able to comment

Yeah, I've used Lightning.

Sunny-Gehani Автор вопроса
Marc Falzon
Yeah, I've used Lightning.

But charges ? Time ? Efficiency ?

There's a lot of issues. One store started accepting it, then had to beg twitter for lots of online support because their funding channel ran out. and that's for 1 single merchant, they need a whole twitter team of support people, I think he ended up giving up soon enough

Sunny-Gehani Автор вопроса
There's a lot of issues. One store started accept...

And we have 100’s and they still bad mouth us !! I have never seen them positing and any bch fan saying that’s crazy or cuss them !!

Lightning Network fails too often, sometimes the route can cost more than onchain transaction and you don't know till its sent. LN creates a spoked system that isn't decentralised and only has a real chance of working with custodial banks rather than wallets (you don't hold the keys). LN requires the user to worry about liquidity both inbound and outbound. LN requires you to have your own node if you want to hold custody all the way on a payments journey.

Lol, Sunny, you need to experience it yourself. I have documented social media posts where I was excited about LN until as recent as 2019, and I kept on making excuses for it’s technical limitations, because any bad technology today is bound to get better in the future. EXCEPT, I realized that it is just not possible to make LN’s user experience better without one of the following two options: - Custodial services, where your crypto is in posession of a centralized third party - Come up with a system which will keep the funds non-custodial, trust others to secure your crypto, and then pay these third parties in a secure manner somehow The first solution is basically visa, and second solution is basically BCH but in a rube goldberg contraption ——————— Imagine getting your dad or uncle on-boarded to BCH in India. Now Imagine convincing them to run a BCH node (probably using a raspberry pi or a home computer) because the ONLY way to truly use BCH is to run your own node, and it MUST NOT go offline (in INDIA of all places). Can you imagine how difficult the second option is? This is basically Lightning Network.

Renegade D
Lol, Sunny, you need to experience it yourself. I ...

That point on easy integration or onboarding is so important for adoption. I can't see a small kiosk, bistro, ice cream shop, or food truck running a node—and committing to all the operational costs that come with it all.

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