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How can we target migrant communities who are sending money

back home?
I can’t think of any spaces to directly target(online groups etc)
It might need to be an ad campaign as previously mentioned. But would need to funnel to a “how to” site such as use.cash or similar

5 ответов

10 просмотров

Target the Western Unions. Either by ad campaign (if there's funding) or by entrepreneurial ambition. Every1 who walks in their doors/ to their kiosk is a customer who can be served better (potentially) by using bch

Neon(Da)Thal- Автор вопроса
Sovereign Naan
Target the Western Unions. Either by ad campaign (...

Id imagine most users send money online with WU. I used to and that was a decade ago. An ad campaign could work. It’s got my brain working. Something that grabs the attention, is fun and would also educate people that it’s the better option they didn’t know existed.

Id imagine most users send money online with WU. I...

From what I understood, in the Caribbean it's a cash kinda deal

Neon(Da)Thal- Автор вопроса
sploit#100 🦆
From what I understood, in the Caribbean it's a ca...

That may be because they get paid in cash. Could be wrong though. Also, I believe nobody trusts the banks there so keep everything in physical.

IMO first create a seamless experience superior to the convenience of using conventional money transfer. Do we have that experience set up? It's pretty smooth to use Bitcoin.com wallet or Paytaca but where and how do I buy BCH? Then where does my family member liquidate their BCH (each time dey want to spend some)? At the moment in many places you jump through hoops.

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