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If there's something going on with EOS why Yves, Brock

and Dan larimer do not tweet anything about it?
We need marketing, attention, reputation...

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@NavyO1 you must have never heard of EOSweekly https://crypto.writer.io/p/eosweekly-mandel-30-yves-aaron-dan so last year 🤣 BTW... Brock is now a CD

Have a nice sunday.. Stay safe, health is the most important thing in our lifes. Take care

Lots of things going on but not affecting something yet. That something forbidden to talk here. We are not thinking that something so that, that thing can happen. Thats what they told us to do. The other thing is these guys dont care that thing. They believe it will come soon. 2 + years we have to wait. Another thing that they told us. Just respect, they know something and really working hard. Here is the summary We fired b1 (6 months ago but idk why people twitting and using it on social media now) Who are we? We are the community. Did a member vote for it? Did any BP declared what they think about kicking b1? So indirectly if we were staking our eos on that bp that means it was our decision. Whatever, did the community knew the details? No. Transparency? Idk Community driven network? Idk You choose the answers. But thats the biggest thing, to cut off a gangrenous arm. Blue papers We have working groups. They worked hard to bring us the blue papers. The community gave feedback about the papers. You can reach them. They are also long term projections. They are academic researches. To see some output from them we have to wait. 1-2 years. Rebranding The idea was born like 4 months or more ago. They are still thinking the name. Here in this group we offered lots of names with explanations. We felt like we were included in a process. Anyways they are keeping the name alternatives secret until securing the domain name or other social stuff. We will see something in the near future. I am saying just name. Dont expact a whole package. Btw 817k already spent on this also for design. Pomelo We have pomelo grants. We are learning from our mistakes. Throwing the money at teams. Waiting to come back in returns one day. We are doing this without listening the community because they told us many right things months before. If we listened we wouldn’t have learnt from our mistakes. Trust EVM Trust EVM team is building an EVM on eosio. Its their product. Not enfs or eos holders. It is funded by eosio network. Which means the sacrifice of eos holders. But trust evm team will benefit the most. (That was one of the ENF s member opinion) There will be advantages for eos holders but we couldnt learn what they are, Yves not decided yet. Trust evm is launching an ieo/ido. A new way of saying a token sale. ENF thinks that this will bring external capital. (There are no foresights for that token sale also no polls made about how many devs are interested in EVM) There are lots of evm s out there so without an evm we cant compete. Thats a big step because it will be the first product on eos. Maybe the real killer dapp. Wait for october, not too long to see if it affects something. Lawsuit After kicking b1 from the leadership Yves tweeted that he shared our frustrations and pushed the lawsuit button. 4 months ago (10.02.2022). We were so excited. Now no one knows if there will be a lawsuit or not. We cant talk it here but during the consensus 2022 Brandon will talk / talking with people about this, because people who are valueble will ask. So we are a 4. Bil. DAO which is a huge thing. Fractally Dan announced the killer dapp on eos (22.02.2022-twosday) and told us to thank him later. Haa and also asked for millions. Take it or leave it. Idk what enf said. Still a majority of the community believes that fractally is the killer dapp and Dan is a genius. A fresh breath Nathan joined the team. His video was so charming. But his approach to devs also to the community is more than the video. He is passionate, to the point and eager. So do you think they need to tweet? Or what do you want them to tweet? Or is it the right time to tweet in a bloody market. Maybe they are not readt yet and waiting for green days.. Lots of things happening. Maybe not the way we want but thats what we are in. We are chasing the success but we also ignore some facts. The ones who missed the last exit have to wait and see. Like the Green Day song; Wake me up when september ends. Probably will be muted for 3 months for saying these things.

Kivanc Ilisulu
Lots of things going on but not affecting somethin...

I think the Twitter community needs to collectively hype the comeback narrative for EOS to help manifest the comeback. Most people are unaware that B1 is out of the picture and the ENF is now in a leadership position. I also think that Yves should try to put himself out there more publicly, especially being active on Twitter like the Avax team, and the community should rally around him. TrustEVM along side Yield+ is going to make a big impact, and will be the best marketing investment EOS ever made. It’s like a TroganHorse to sell the convenient fact that EOS has the best tech. It’s unrealistic IMO to expect major results in a such a short period of time. For example, EOSIO hasn’t even rebranded yet, which was the first major objective after the B1 vote.

Kivanc Ilisulu
Lots of things going on but not affecting somethin...

Where’s your song to help onboard users in an easy manner?

Taylor Ryker
Where’s your song to help onboard users in an easy...

You are asking “how to create a wallet” song. Actually i tried something but not finished. Last time i made a song we droped from 2.7 , afraid to again.

Moneky | $BANANA
What’s this drama again?

Do you think its a drama. Why not try to discuss some of the topics. Anything wrong i said? As trimbot said its unrealistic to expect major results in a short period of time. So lets dont give false hopes to people. Lets discuss. Why dont you write what do u think about the topics? Honestly…

Yves is the face of tHe EOS comeback story, so I think he needs to be one of the most media active community members, but I do agree others can get involved too.

Yves is the face of tHe EOS comeback story, so I t...

I agree. But I'd also like to push EOS to not be the same as other's, maybe I'm putting the cart before the horse a bit. But this is why I said we have a small handful of people really able to get interviews of this level, and those that do should be sure to name drop and promote others in the Community to take some of the pressure off themselves and simultaneously strengthen the community around decentralized representation. Make the media feel like they can reach out to 1 of 30(eventually) guys from EOS. Yves definitely needs to be out there. Brock definitely needs to extend the time he's dedicating to promoting and discussing EOS at length infront of large audiences. And after them, their needs to be an opening for other knowledgeable, vocal members to be given a platform. 2 guys is not enough.

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