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Wow glad I actually backscrolled that thread I don't think anyone

was mocking or being disrespectful toward IcyEmilie.

But she and Theophannia do bring up a valid point in that crypto is kind of a boys' club.

There's a meme that's been going around that's something like "if women aren't into the things you like, then the things you like are probably dumb" (heavily paraphased. + it's a meme, see the humor before you get butthurt)

And in regards to the crypto space as a whole... we BCHers know it's a whole clown show and the culture is godawful.

That said, the "BCH Philosophy" is all about neutrality, permissionlessness, and inclusivity. We don't discriminate against anyone. We have people from all walks of life here. BCH is meant to be p2p cash for THE WHOLE WORLD. And that includes people radically different from each other, and maybe even people who don't like each other.

How can we, in this room, and in this community, be more inclusive toward women? Honestly... I don't see much of a problem. I don't see how women aren't welcome here. And in regards to the "racy" photo that was posted... omg, that is so mild honestly. You should see the kind of photos women are posting on Facebook, lmao. Plus, if "Vasilisa" is actually a real person, then that means SHE chose to post that photo... which has nothing to do with men OR crypto. So if anything, IcyEmilie trying to police that is just an instance of women shaming women. FiendishCrypto was clearly joking and even if he wasn't, is he also not within his right to post and sell his racy photos online? Just because he's male doesn't make it unrealistic, there are plenty of male models in the world...

This is a lot of words to say that we can simultaneously acknowledge that the "crypto community" is a boys' club while also noting that nothing is barring women from participating. And if actual women in the room see something that we're not, I do hope they will continue to provide their input.

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