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Is it possible to learn ENF marketing plans? Are they

gonna promote the coalition, trust evm or the renamed eosio?

10 ответов

15 просмотров

It's my understanding, that the ENF is not focused on marketing. The ENF is focused on funding, supporting and growing the EOS ecosystem. Source: eosnetwork.com

Kivanc-Ilisulu Автор вопроса
screenshot It's my understanding, that the ENF is not focused...

How can we let them focus on this. Is there a specific reason?

Kivanc Ilisulu
How can we let them focus on this. Is there a spec...

It is not the ENF's job to do marketing. But they will certainly provide funds for professional marketing. Because that is their job.

Why don’t you think their job includes marketing? They spent nearly $1M on marketing in the last quarter, no?

Kivanc-Ilisulu Автор вопроса

So professional marketing will be made via pomelo grants, right? As Luka said ask for a grant. The community will do this.

Because of their mission statement. I don't say they don't do marketing. They are doing the best marketing I've ever seen someone doing for EOS.

Kivanc Ilisulu
So professional marketing will be made via pomelo ...

If you are new to the Community and the BP's (ENF) maybe don't trust you to give you a big marketing budget, one can start to ask for funds with Eden and on Pomelo. If you do a good enough job and deserve much more funds, you will be able to ask for direct funding from the BP's (ENF). But for this one needs a track record of delivering the results and needs to be trusted. That's how I understand the processes.

Because of their mission statement. I don't say t...

That bar is borderline at floor level😂, that's not to say they haven't done any, just that there's nothing to compare them with on EOS except B1 ICO level marketing, and they might have the ENF beat if that's the case.

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