210 похожих чатов

Why are people so worry with supply? When someone buy a

Ferrari in Italian Lira or USD, which one is less in number amount? Can anyone buy it cheaper with either currency?

It is the exchange power that support the strength of the value. Not the amount number.

LUNC has some of the fundamentals, on the good tracks.
But a lot more to be done.

At least our solid community is one of the most dominant factor to be kept tight. 👍

9 ответов

8 просмотров

That good am with you

What are you on about. Supply determines demand. The less something is, the more value it has. BTC Mc is 500b at the moment. No alt coin will surpass the value of BTC by mc, at least not any time soon. So supply is important. Lunc has a supply of 6.5T. To reach $1 it will have x7 mc. Anyone still wanting to know if lunc will hot $1 or anywhere close to that value needs to consider all this. at a value of 0.01, it will have more value than ETH. Can you really see that happening with a coin which has very little use case now, has been taken off the UST pegging and the developers have left it to its own device. The only value this project has ATM is the strong community. I am not putting this project down or breaking Ines hope, just bein realistic with my expectations for this project.

Joseph-Arudji Автор вопроса

To a certain degree, it's true. But you can't increase the purchasing power once it's facing a super hyper inflation. Imagine a Nation which currency is hyper inflated. Can they overcome by reducing the supply? No way. If it can be done, any Nation can get rid from poverty. It doesn't work that way.

Joseph Arudji
To a certain degree, it's true. But you can't incr...

If there is damand for that currency then it can. It's not just about supply but also demand, other wise any crypto project could come in with a lw supply and expect to be worth $100s. Lunc has demand from a very strong and determined community, but the supply will suppress the value.

Joseph-Arudji Автор вопроса
Mo Ahmed
What are you on about. Supply determines demand. T...

Your second sentence " Supply determines demand " is totally wrong. Where did you learn this? Can you dictate demand, by designing supply as whatever you want ? Until my Post Graduate in International Finance, I have never been taught with your second sentence. 😂

You’re wasting time with a guy who’s first “ investiment” was LUNC to be a millionaire overnight

Joseph-Arudji Автор вопроса
Joseph Arudji
Your second sentence " Supply determines demand " ...

Actually you will find that I was responding to your statement about supply not being a factor in determing price based on what I understood from your previous statement. You don't need to be a post grad to know that demand drives supply.

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