210 похожих чатов

8 ответов

14 просмотров

it is safe

Yep why not? Been telling them yesterday too about the new usdc pair on kucoin

Bill Sands- Автор вопроса

look what happened to ust i don't know much about this usdc so i don't know if it will be the same

Bill Sands
look what happened to ust i don't know much about ...

usdc is not algorithmic stablecoin. gets ur facts straight

yes also depegging of USDT. Dont worry dude, USDC is safe

Bill Sands- Автор вопроса
Eve P
yes also depegging of USDT. Dont worry dude, USDC ...

Alright thanks everyone now i know, newbie in crypto as well thanks for answering

Yeahhhhh AVAX to the moon indeed lmao

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