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Hey guys, I’ve been developing UIs for apps on Telos

for about two years now and feel that I have a very good grasp of the technology. I have a good amount of free time and would like to keep working on Telos, so I’m wondering what kind of apps and tools you guys would like to see built for Telos. If I feel that I could build some of them then I may be willing to submit a works proposal to get it built.

Some ideas I’ve been thinking about include:
- Telos analytics dashboard that possibly looks at key performance indicators from different areas (ie mentions on Twitter, subscribers in Telos channels, price, tEVM TVL, TPS, etc), that may give us some insight into the health of the chain, etc
- Mobile “wallet” for Telos that makes it easy to stake REX, manage resources, edit profile, etc all in one place on mobile. Would likely still use Anchor for transaction signing, etc
- Easy-to-deploy Decide rebalancer

What are some ideas you guys have for things you would like to see built with the existing infrastructure?

8 ответов

14 просмотров

We definitely need the analytics real-time dashboard. Would truly be amazing for everything that’s happening within Telos ecosystem. I do think we also need that Mobile wallet. These 2 apps are critical for mainstream adoption!!!

Narekaci TashG
We definitely need the analytics real-time dashboa...

Thank you. Which sort of features would you like to see in either?

For the analytics I’m personally interested in real time data and it’s relation to history. So maybe the dashboard could show telos activity on Twitter (& other platforms) and how it compares to a specific date/time? This system could be applied to other areas like TVL and transaction activity.

Narekaci TashG
For the analytics I’m personally interested in rea...

This would allow us to take note of trends, upticks/downticks based on releases, events. Maybe we can monitor the health of the data whether they are positive (likes, mentions, retweets, new videos)

A wallet with simple staking functionality is what's missing👍🏼

A few Community members have wanted a mobile "wallet" for accessing & using tlos, maybe that's something you can consider. Also, a feature that allows you to add Key guardians - similar to what Seeds wallet does maybe a good add on, incase someone forgets/accidentally deletes keys.

Ajinkya | CreativBlock
A few Community members have wanted a mobile "wall...

Thank you, I will look into the Key guardian feature you mentioned. I’m assuming it’s some sort of social way of restoring keys, or?

Kylan | TelosCrew | Decide Voter | Resolve | Wishlist
Thank you, I will look into the Key guardian featu...

doesnt have to be different persons, another account with a unique private key should be good enough imo.

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