209 похожих чатов

How come when I try and send my rose to

my rose wallet my exchange says it’s an invalid wallet address?

4 ответов

12 просмотров

Make sure that you aren't using space while entering the address.

Barry-Hall Автор вопроса

I’ve just copied and pasted it. That clipboard option on the wallet doesn’t do anything. Normally on other wallets I’ve used I can touch the clipboard sign and that copies the address but nothing happens when I do that

Barry Hall
I’ve just copied and pasted it. That clipboard opt...

For your own security and peace of mind, please only use wallets that are listed in our official documentation. Any other wallets are likely unofficial and may be subject to critical security vulnerabilities and other technical issues. Using wallets that not listed in our official documentation could result in the permanent loss of your ROSE tokens.

Barry Hall
I’ve just copied and pasted it. That clipboard opt...

Sometimes it happens when you copy. You can delete the space manually. 🙂

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