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I get an internal JSON prc error when trying to


2 ответов

11 просмотров


STAKING ERRORS & FIX ERROR: Cannot enter email verification because button greyed out. Fix: Use lower case letters when typing your email. ERROR: Getting RPC error when trying to stake. FIX: Delete the current RPC settings you have. Add a fresh one by typing it manually. Do not copy and paste. ERROR: When adding RPC, I am getting Chain ID could not be found. FIX: Use either 246 or 0xf6. ERROR: Email already verified even though I haven't done the verification process. FIX: Check all extensions on your browser and disable them. Create a new profile on Chrome or use a different browser like Firefox. Alternatively you can goto https://chainlist.org/ search for Energy Web Chain and add the network settings automatically from there. ERROR: Getting internal JSON RPC error FIX: Use metamask as a standalone. This error is related to metamask chrome extension not been able to interact with Ledger device properly. ALTERNATIVE FIX: If you are not connected to metamask with Ledger and still get this error. Try to set your gas price a bit higher. You can try using 10 Gwei and 100k Gas.

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