209 похожих чатов

I usually understand fast Now what happens when we order

20 vending machines
The flipstarter funds goes in whose wallet ? Who is responsible ?
Then how do we get the funds back to those who funded ?
Or the persons who are buying just pays his share is what this means ?

For Eg we buying 20 vending machines and me and Aaron took 3 so we pay for 3

If Rolando wants 5 then he pays for 5 that way we collect for 20 to pay for a better price
Is this what this means ?

5 ответов

13 просмотров

Thanks for responding back man. I thought we lost you 😁

If the campaign is successful the money would go to the manufacturer and each person would be shipped their share of the order they paid for. And the $ is held in like decentralized escrow in the meantime and refunded to the payee if the Total amount was not raised by the end of the campaign time limit.

The question about who is responsible is one I was asking myself as well. I think it's preferable if it goes straight to the supplier so they can fullfill the order but if not then a trusted middleman. Either way, I think paying someone for something always has its risks but I may be wrong about that. The question about how do you get funds back, the funds never leave the wallet unless the entire goal is reached. So if you need to buy 20 of some item to get a price of $100 for each item, you have to raise $2000 in BCH. If you can't, funds won't ever leave anyones wallet. If you do, then you can get those 20 items. The final question about Rolando only buying 5 of 20, that's exactly it. If Rolando bought the 5 on his own, he'd have to pay more than $100 for each (or be forced to buy more) and so will you.

Sahid Miller
The question about who is responsible is one I was...

Yea, I was wrong. Not escrow. They don't even leave the wallet. I forgot that part.

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