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Did the team tweet they are going to this event?

If not, why?

4 ответов

14 просмотров

We’ve made plenty of replies regarding the delayed AMA and no one is trying to sus out of giving an exact date, there’s simply no exact date.😁

Captain Jack Sparrow- Автор вопроса
We’ve made plenty of replies regarding the delayed...

You missed the entire point. 🤦‍♂️ the team knew these networking events were happening in advance, so tell me why not just tell us why it was being delayed in the first place. We the community had to consistently ask, not to get a date, but why the CEO said one thing and tele admins say another. Then we finally hear it’s about going to events. Just say that from the start instead of keeping the community in the dark.

Captain Jack Sparrow
You missed the entire point. 🤦‍♂️ the team knew th...

You’re always the first, as community, who gets the information about the on-going or future to be events, we have no other sources besides you all to tell this information. I don’t really understand where does this pressure come from, when we quite clearly stated that the AMA is delayed, the reasons behind it was Consensus, the reason now was given by Emilis, which comes to the conclusion - two busy events. The NFT meeting was probably ready to be shared on twitter, but you took it out from the team’s mouth before telling about it ourselves.

Captain Jack Sparrow- Автор вопроса
You’re always the first, as community, who gets th...

Emilis responded to a question. It should be a statement prior to the community having to ask a question

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