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We knew about consensus, obviously. But that happened then community

is wondering, ok so ama soon, right? Nope, there were more events that we didn’t know about for some reason. To easily clear that up, when emilis made the statement about consensus event causing a delay, he could have said, btw we have even more networking events coming up, so expect more delays. That easy. Once again we had to sus out why there are more delays by asking questions, instead of a statement being made beforehand— that’s the clear difference. But I digress….

2 ответов

10 просмотров

God forbid things come up and schedules have to shift and not announced AMAs have to be pushed back.

Captain Jack Sparrow- Автор вопроса
Džiugas ✤
God forbid things come up and schedules have to sh...

Oh, gotcha, the networking events came out of nowhere I’m sure

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