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Gettin' the tough questions tonight! Reminder to all this is

not a price chat.

How's things on the 1) automatic monitoring tools b) Mexico launch (I heard about Victoria's fun times getting the tax paperwork!), and c) life in general?

4 ответов

7 просмотров

1. Things moving on schedule 2. I’m reviewing documents for Mexico, but there are still a lot more to go 3. Life is bittersweet. Handling both general counsel and compliance officer rolls became too much for how we’ve grown, so we had the new compliance officer start Monday. I’ve been on boarding him. It is sad to leave the team I built, but I’m still going to be at the company in the GC role and compliance is now in even better hands

Smeddy-o | Reserve | will never DM- Автор вопроса
Matthew Gertler
1. Things moving on schedule 2. I’m reviewing docu...

Bittersweet, and compliance's loss, but hopefully it's more enjoyable not splitting your focus. Hope it's a shift that works brilliantly for both you and Reserve 💥 Good luck to the new officer, and I hope you're still popping in here to answer mainnet questions weekly

Smeddy-o | Reserve | will never DM
Bittersweet, and compliance's loss, but hopefully ...

Absolutely! I’ve always introduced myself as GC here and that’s the role I was hired for originally. I’ll be here weekly

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