209 похожих чатов

Rsr is on the erc20 network right So I just hold

it on my wallet untill mainet and then I can bridge it,?

4 ответов

4 просмотра

It is indeedy an erc-20. If you're thinking of #staking, these are the wallets we've mentioned so far:

Smeddy-o | Reserve | will never DM
It is indeedy an erc-20. If you're thinking of #st...

How do I stake my RSR? RSR holders can choose to stake their RSR on any Reserve stablecoin in order to insure it against default of any of its collateral tokens. In return, the RSR staker earns a portion of the revenue that RToken makes 💰 🕓 Staking of RSR will become available upon mainnet launch (for more info on mainnet type #mainnet) 📹 We will release a tutorial video around mainnet launch to show you exactly how RSR staking can be done — Wallets that can be used for staking — ✅ WalletConnect (Ledger, Trust, ...) ✅ WalletLink (Coinbase) ✅ Metamask ✅ Fortmatic ✅ Trezor For more detailed information on RSR staking, please refer to: https://reserve.org/protocol/2021_version/#rsr-staking

Cyberboy- Автор вопроса
Smeddy-o | Reserve | will never DM
It is indeedy an erc-20. If you're thinking of #st...

Oww thanks for the update appreciate. Yes I will sure stake it using my metamask wallet . So once the mainet is done my coins will automatically convert or should I bridge it to the mainet

Oww thanks for the update appreciate. Yes I will s...

I don't think you will have to lift a finger! (You will need to connect to the dApp to initiate staking, if you scroll up to "news" above, you can see screenshots of how that will look)

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