210 похожих чатов

How can you prove that luna 2.0 is a revival

plan? The people bought it at 18$ and now it's price is less than 2$.

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Only Lunc , sell Luna2

Uttam-Singh Автор вопроса
A Fiore
Only Lunc , sell Luna2

But there is no any project on lunc. All projec on luna 2.0 and Tera team also saying that lunc have no potential.

A Fiore
Only Lunc , sell Luna2

What a good idea, sell the token with use case and a dev team + future n buy a "community" owned coin.... So who is going to improve code on lunc I'm curious? Any dev or dApps Currently live? Staking? Hmmmmm

Uttam Singh
But there is no any project on lunc. All projec on...

What potential you see in other inu chinu shinu tokens? 😁

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