209 похожих чатов

Anyone have some good accounts to follow on Twitter for

rose updates? Haven’t seen anything in while. How is the hackathon going?

2 ответов

11 просмотров

The hackathon has concluded. Some of the winners are launching around the end of this month :)

Announcing the $200K Oasis Bloom Hackathon WINNERS! 🍾 🎉 DeFi: 🏆 Chedda — Lending 💰 XDAO— DAOs 🪙 Mono — Smart fund GameFi: 🏆 Legions of Oasis— Game 💰 Histopia— Open-world game 🪙 CalorieCoin — Exercise DApp Bonus: ➕ Vitruvian — NFT Solutions https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/meet-the-winners-of-the-oasis-bloom-hackathon-2022-8c8db1a28f02

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