209 похожих чатов

Do you have any demo apps in public domain to

check out? Is there a list of services that L1 offers e.g something similar to public cloud offerings?

2 ответов

9 просмотров

There are multiple dApps live on mainnet already. Here is a list of all that are built/have built http://nervosproject.com/en/index.html

Nervos provides the infrastructure, it is a public infrastructure, the services (dapps) depend on the creativity of the developers who create those dapps, the limitation is in the imagination. Nervos has created test applications, examples, templates, etc. to help independent developers to create their applications. For example GliaDEX is a DEX template (https://link.medium.com/9wYLrBfGerb). Third party mainnet applications on L1 are dotbit (https://www.did.id/), Unipass (unipass.id) or Kollect (kollect.me). Regarding the bridge with Cardano, the Cardano part is outsourced to a third party, Obsidians Systems, right now the development of the bridge is in standby (https://talk.nervos.org/t/update-on-nervos-cardano-bridge-project/6181/17)

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