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Right so you will keep the onchain data to minimum

so it can replicate easily between nodes so does it not limit the number of dapps and the data they can store on Nervos?

5 ответов

10 просмотров

Correct. Storage with global consensus (a.k.a common knowledge byte) is a scarce resource. Initially the common storage is cheap, and people will use it to store low-value data. As more applications emerge and more users join, the need for ckbytes rises and people must bid for limited supply. Those who use the storage for high-value data are willing to pay more than those who use it for low-value data. Low-value data will gradually be forced to layer 2, L1 value-density will rise. The economic pressure means the ecosystem will not grow unlimitedly on layer 1, unlike on blockchains which abuse global consensus and common storage. Instead the ecosystem will grow horizontally and vertically simultaneously, with layer 1 always in healthy condition. The market will apportion storage usage and transaction processing on different layers dynamically.

RJ-S Автор вопроса
Alejandro (Won't DM first)
Correct. Storage with global consensus (a.k.a comm...

Ok so the data that gets moved to L2 is that decentralised in any way? Also what happens when L1 is full?

Ok so the data that gets moved to L2 is that decen...

L1 cannot be full in theory, that’s the point of the no max supply. 1ckb=1 byte of storage on L1, there will be escarcy because of the more difficulty mining, halvings, etc. but there will be an influx of ckb, consider it would be silly to -for example- have a 1TB hard drive and decide to change it for a 500GB HD. Same here.

Ok so the data that gets moved to L2 is that decen...

currently L2 data is included in the L1 blocks

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