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Oracle link of Syntropy in partnership program? Can’t find it

3 ответов

13 просмотров

This is the link to partnerships announcement: https://medium.com/syntropynet/oracle-selects-noia-for-partner-network-4b06271ae204 ; direct link to oracle’s website, where Syntropy is displayed as partner is as I answered to you some time ago, might need an update, cause it shows as a “not found” page.

Captain Jack Sparrow- Автор вопроса
This is the link to partnerships announcement: htt...

Oracle.com link to it is what I’m looking for. Has anyone looked into it?

Captain Jack Sparrow
Oracle.com link to it is what I’m looking for. Has...

I’ll see what I can find about it tomorrow, it has been addressed on the weekday.

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