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How are all of you holding out with the bear

attacking? @DAPPerD @foflexity @Infinityblocio? (@summerskin gone?) Can hardly believe TLOS fell this far, but see you guys are still building new stuff. Hope you all stacking cash at the highs to get through the lows. Next bull going to be epic.

Have you looked into integrating Telos into Stargate protocol for native to native cross chain swaps with no synthetics and no bridge contract risk? Talk to Brian Pellegrino see what it would take to get Telos network on the portal? If I had the skills I would just do it. It is possible to use any two dapps on any two chains and compose it over stargate to make a single tx. Perfect for swapping multichain tokens like TLOS between it's networks.

I sold alot of EOS before the bear and looking for TLOS entries to fill bags for the next bull. Think TLOS will way out perform EOS. Used changenow to get EOS onto BSC as BUSD. This is where stargate would be really awesome if Telos Network was listed and I could just move that BSC native BUSD to Telos native stable.

Anyway just dropping in to say hello and catch up on what is being created. TREX managing my TLOS tokens. Hope you are all weathering the storm.

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9 просмотров

The lower token price isn't fun but fortunately we put away some acorns in USD stablecoins which helps a bit. We will definitely get through the winter. We are also moving development focus onto more core issues to ensure we can complete the really necessary stuff like improving tEVM and general UX

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