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Question regarding PirateWallet Lite syncing ... (apologies as I'm sure this

has been answered a million times before but I can't find this question via the search function easily...)

I transferred some ARRR from Kucoin to my desktop PirateWallet Lite. It had left Kucoin but wasn't showing up in my wallet. I tried rescanning, no luck, in fact all my ARRR disappeared from my wallet.
So I tried again, still no luck.
Closed the wallet down and reopened to sync the two again, but now it gets stuck at exactly the same point on the syncing process every time.
Help, please?

4 ответов

2 просмотра

@Kaks25 will get back to you when he's available ☺️

Luna 🌙
@Kaks25 will get back to you when he's available ☺...

Also, Admins will NEVER DM you. If it looks like one has, it's a scammer. Don't click on any links or provide your seed phrases. We would never ask for that or any kind of crypto or money.

Try to use treasure chest, exchanges had issue to send to lite/mobile wallets

Elizabeth-Huginn Muninn Автор вопроса

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