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I have a question. Is there any correlation between agix and

ntx tokens?
Will they affect each other?

3 ответов

2 просмотра

It depends what you mean by correlation, but they're both different tokens that serve different purposes. On the long term, if the SNET ecosystem flourishes, we may see some sort of correlation to the upside, but for now there's not much to consider any sort of correlation. Independently, Nunet is on the right track and can hold its own imo

Marco.snet Lelouche
It depends what you mean by correlation, but they'...

Agree! NuNet seems well on its track and it seems gaining increasing popularity among Cardano community members

Wasn't the reason for NTX to serve increasing the utility and scalability of the AGIX AI ecosystem? Not saying it won't take time to get to the potential algorithms running constant rebalancing API calls. But it could serve as a major catalyst to the success of AGIX...

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