210 похожих чатов

Why owner of LUNC is not buying back the coin

and burning it?

8 ответов

6 просмотров

LUNC now belong to community.

Jitendra-Singh Автор вопроса
LUNC now belong to community.

What is definition of community ?

Who's owning community token? 🤔🤣

Almost lunc holders hold small amount. They dont have money to buy and burn

Jitendra Singh
What is definition of community ?

People who who buys lunc and hope to get rich someday when others will be smart to buy also

Jitendra-Singh Автор вопроса
People who who buys lunc and hope to get rich some...

Is there any other coin which survived on community?

who wants to buy tokens with the sole scope of losing money? 🙄

Do you know how luna c became to existence? If you did you won't be asking that

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