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Trust Walt wallet I opened on a new phone and the usdt disappeared from it

Peter-Martin Автор вопроса
free crypto
Trust Walt wallet I opened on a new phone and the ...

This is Terra classic group mate. I guess you are in wrong group. But still #scammed wallet has not more use in Crypto world.

Peter Martin
This is Terra classic group mate. I guess you are ...

Compromised wallets It is not possible to reverse transactions or freeze wallets, as there is no higher power to do so in defi. If there are any coins left on the compromised wallet, or on another wallet with the same seed phrase (e.g if you have imported your seed phrase to Keplr to use Osmosis), send them to a new wallet immediately and do not use the old wallet again. You may be able to trace the funds back to a centralised exchange. You will also need to get the police involved for this. 🔘 Use your transaction history to identify the scammer's wallet. 🔘 See if the scammer's wallet has any outgoing transactions. terra.engineer/en/terra_addresses/exchanges identifies significant wallets like Terra Bridge or Binance. 🔘 If sent to an exchange, contact them ASAP. 🔘 Report to police to follow up with the exchange.

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